08 January 2013

Emacs as primary text editor for lazy developers

I use Emacs as my default text editor for years now. Similar to oh-my-zsh there is a simple setup for Emacs.

brew install emacs --cocoa --use-git-head --HEAD
curl -L https://github.com/bbatsov/prelude/raw/master/utils/installer.sh | sh

On Mac OS X this will install the latest version of Emacs and Emacs Prelude. Prelude is a ready to use configuration for Emacs, that gives you all you need as a programmer.

Emacs will load its whole configuration, when you start it. This makes startup very slow, especially when you use a lot of modes like in Prelude. Speed up Emacs start time can be done by running it as daemon.

emacs --daemon

Now you can connect to the local Emacs server with the emacsclient command:

# opens Emacs and the file in your terminal
emacsclient -t hello-world.txt

# opens Emacs in a separate window
emacsclient -c

Give it a try and learn loving it!