26 November 2012
Making stateless applications deal with RESTful state
One of the core principles of RESTful APIs is being stateless on the server. Instead of putting it on the server state is transfered to the client. We do not talk about state as it might appear in many stateful applications. The state in RESTful APIs is represented through hyperlinks.
Hyperlinks allow applications to make navigation similar to browsers. When you are developing a mobile application, your buttons should behave like links in a browser. Your application should not build the URLs to call. When the button is clicked it should call an URL from a link. The state where the user is and how to get where he wants is stored in the client by associating URLs from the server with buttons.
When you are developing a web application, that renders HTML on the server and you want to integrate some third party RESTful API, you might have a problem. You can not store the links anywhere as long as you want to keep your web application stateless. This constraint would force you to start at the root URL and navigate down through a link structure every request.
The solution is a simple key value cache. You can use it to store state access. This does not mean you are caching where the user currently is in your application, instead you are caching the links. A simple example:
"links": [
"href": "http://api.foo.com/inbox/",
"rel": "inbox"
In the above JSON snippet the link object has a rel
attribute. To cache that link create a key from the rel attribute’s value inbox and store the URL. Now you can render some HTML with a different link:
<a href="/foo/inbox/">My Foo Inbox</a>
Once the user clicks the link, you can simply grep the URL from the cache and call it. No need for starting at http://api.foo.com
and following the links down to one with rel