31 August 2012

Don't miss to write good unit tests

It is not enough for today’s software developers to know their programming language well. There are further skills, that more and more companies are expecting from there employees. One of the most important is Test Driven Development (TDD). This is not an introduction to TDD. If you want to learn it, I recommend Uncle Bob’s awesome Clean Code Videos (Episode 6 - TDD) or simply ask Google for it. But many developers are writing bad code and applying TDD does not make them writing good code. Instead it makes them also writing bad tests. So this is about writing better test code.

Applying simple rules

To understand why test code can be bad, you should understand, what it should do. It should work as the parachute, that keeps you alive, when refactoring your code. Tests may help you to be sure nothing breaks, when adding new features to your code. But tests may also work as sample code, that documents your APIs better than any other documentation except the code itself.

But how can you make your tests better? It might help to follow some simple rules, that could be easily applied to every language or test style like BDD or Junit-style.

Tests should be a state machine

Many people do not like BDD at all, but there is a pretty nice idea in it - the given-when-then style some frameworks promote. This style forces you into a way of thinking about tests, that you should adapt. Even if you do not use a BDD framework.

Writing a test this way means there is a start state, something happens and than an end state is reached. If your test is broken, the state machine in it is broken. In BDD frameworks the first part of your test is the given block, where all the setup stuff is done. The second part is the when block, where an action is applied on the test object, created in the given block. At least you have a then block, where you assert, that the correct end state is reached.

It is very helpful to have this in mind while writing a new test. Keep these three parts seperated and do not mix them in some way. Do not write code in your test, where an if appears, or even more complex logic. In a test you should only do the above three steps. Do some simple setup, call a method on your test object or invoke the test function and assert the result is correct.

This might also make your code better. If you write messy code, tests written this way are harder to create and maintain. If you have to much of inheritance, dependencies on other objects or resources like IO, you will have to set it up in every test you write and that is no fun. But you should write your tests first and hopefully it makes writing messy code harder, if you have written a well structured tests first.

Tests should be good examples for using your API

Every code you write has an API. If your application has a graphical user interface or it is an open source library, there is some way it is used by others. If some other developer is changing your code, or working with you in the same team, there is an API for each class or function in the whole code. You can write documentation like JavaDoc on every public method, but this tends to be out of date, since many developers miss to update it when they change the code.

A better way of technical documentation for source code are code snippets, that show how to use a class or function. But many developers do not have this in mind, while writing tests. That is sad, because tests use your code and should be executed frequently. So they are already working code samples.

Before you write a test, you should first think about how someone wants to use your code. How should your methods be named? What parameters do users want to pass to it? What do they expect as a result? The next step might be writing a test, that simply shows, how a user would call your code. Does it look well? Is it simple or complex? Could it even look simpler? Once your test defines the API, write the code to make it green.

If you have done your job well, someone looks to your tests and understands how to use your code. This documentation does not outdate as long as all tests are executed frequently. If it outdates, it will hopefully break your build.

Tests should have meaningful assertions

Do you write debug logging statements in your code? Why are you doing it?

Most developers want to know, why their code fails and this is, where debug logging comes in. If you write good tests for your code, you should know, that your code behaves as it should, because it is verified by the tests. So there is no need for debug logging anymore. But what happens, if you change some code and break some other code by this change? In the best case some test will fail, but you do not know why.

This is where assertion come in. You should spend some time in learning how assertions in your test framework realy work. You should figure out, if there are open source libraries, that could improve assertions in your tests, like fest does in the Junit or Spock does for Java at all.

The most important work assertions should do is telling you why a test has failed. In the best case it prints the expected value and the actual value and shows you how they differ. This might help you to figure out, what is wrong with your code. And might do this much better than any debug logging.

Reaching the next level of TDD

As you can see, it is not enough to learn how to do TDD. You should also learn how to write good tests. The above rules are not simple to apply, but might improve your test code’s quality. At all they may help you reaching the next level of TDD and the next level of writing source code. You should start to apply them as soon as possible to make your test code much cleaner.

There are a lot more good techniques to improve TDD. Tell me about them in the comments.